3 Healthy and Nuritious home cooked meals per day
sunscreen for children to use at the service to promote sunsafe practices and eduction
regular incursions for children
Education Program – details
Bush kidz Blacksoil consists of 2 Kindergarten Rooms operating under the Queensland Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines.
Junior Farmers – children participate in the care and education of looking after farm animals
Our World Around Us- children are encourage and learn how to use sustainable practices in our service to conserve and care for their environment
Yulunga – Ensuring children remain active and healthy
Smart Technology – Access to interactive television and tablets where children are able to explore and use digital technology to support learning
Kindergarten Fees (information current as at 1st July 2019)
Total daily rate:
(List the minimum cost of the kindergarten program as a rate per day)
6 Hours Session
9:00 am
3:00 pm
9 Hour Session
7.30 am
4.30 pm
12 Hour Sesion
6.00 am
6.00 pm
Inclusions in the total daily rate:
(List inclusions, e.g. food, sunscreen)
Enrolment conditions:
(List commitment required of child to participate in the kindergarten program)
To be eligible to participate in the Kindergarten Funded program
Children must be turning 4 years pf age by the 30th of June in the calendar year
Families provide a birth certificate as proof of age
Attend a minimum of 15 hours per week (where children who are outside this criteria and where we feel is developmentally appropriate and supports the individual child’s leaning Journey he or she will still be able to participate in the kindergarten program)
Application of QKFS subsidy to reduce out-of-pocket expenses:
(Detail how the QKFS Plus Kindy Support and SEFIA Subsidy (if applicable) is passed on to eligible families)
Subsidy Support is passed onto families each week as a reduction in fees which automatically calucates and applies.
Department of Human Services
Information about the Australian Government’s Child Care Subsidy payments for eligible families
Additional fees or levies

Approved Kindergarten Program Providers
As an approved provider, this service holds a current Queensland service approval for a centre based service, under the Education and Care Services National Law (National Law) or the Education and Care Services Act 2013, and an appropriate public liability insurance of at least $10 million. To be eligible to receive funding the service must provide a kindergarten program:
- To children who are at least 4 years of age by 30 June in their kindergarten year
- Delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher
- Aligned with the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, or other education program approved by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
- For at least 15 hours a week, 40 weeks a year or a minimum of 600 hours over 37 weeks for services operated by non-state schools.
The Australian and Queensland Governments are providing subsidies to support the delivery of kindergarten programs. For more information, please visit the Department of Education website.